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HuProt Validated Antibodies

Human protein arrays are powerful tools for antibody validation, especially since it has been shown that not all monoclonal antibodies are monospecific. By applying antibodies to protein arrays containing a wide range of known proteins, researchers can assess whether the antibodies recognize their intended target proteins with high specificity. Additionally, protein arrays can help determine the sensitivity of antibodies by quantifying their ability to detect target proteins at varying concentrations. This data is crucial for evaluating the reliability and suitability of antibodies for specific research or diagnostic applications. Antibodies validated using human protein array technology profoundly impact data accuracy, reliability, and specificity, factors of paramount importance to scientific research and innovation.

At NeoBiotechnologies, we apply multiple validation techniques in order to assess the quality and specificity of our products. Several monoclonal antibodies are additionally validated by HuProtTM human protein arrays , providing researchers with dependable tools that contribute to the success of cutting-edge research and the development of innovative biotechnological applications.

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HuProt Validated

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We hold Exclusive rights to 10,000 recombinant and hybridoma antibody products, available for Licensing or Collaboration.