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SOX2 Antibodies

SOX2 (SRY [sex-determining region Y]-box 2) has a molecular weight of approximately 34 kDa. This transcription factor is expressed in various tissues during embryonic development and is crucial for the development of the nervous system, eyes, and other organs. In adults, its expression is found in specific tissues, including neural stem cells and other stem cell populations.

Mutations or dysregulation of SOX2 are associated with developmental disorders and certain cancers, including lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and glioblastoma.

Antibodies against SOX2 are used in research to study the expression and localization of SRY-box 2 in tissues and cells. In cancer research, these antibodies can help identify the presence and abundance of SRY-box 2 in tumor samples, aiding in classification and prognosis. Its expression can have diagnostic implications in certain cancers, where it may serve as a biomarker potentially influencing treatment decisions.


Transcription factor SOX-2, ANOP3; Delta EF2a; MCOPS3 (Microphthalmia Syndromic type 3); SOX-2; SRY (sex determining region Y) box 2; SRY related HMG box 2; Transcription factor SOX-2; ysb

Research Areas

Developmental Biology, Immunology, Cytokine Signaling, Neural Stem Cells, Signal Transduction, Stem Cell Differentiation, Transcription Factors

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