Learn about our comprehensive antibody validation methods to ensure monospecificity.  Antibody Validation>>

Overcoming Resistance to Technological Change

From training and transparency winning over skeptics to resisting AI to preserve authentic content, twelve seasoned professionals, including CEOs and directors, share their successful strategies for overcoming resistance to technological change. These leaders offer a wealth of examples and insights into facilitating smooth tech adoption within their organizations. Discover how they’ve navigated the challenges and fostered an environment that embraces innovation.

Training and Transparency Win Over Skeptics

When we implemented new technologies for the production of monospecific rabbit recombinant monoclonal antibodies. The resistance mainly arose from the team’s comfort with existing methods and their uncertainty about the new protocols.

Source: GRITDAILY / See original article here


We hold Exclusive rights to 10,000 recombinant and hybridoma antibody products, available for Licensing or Collaboration.