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ITGAM Antibodies


Integrin alpha-M, CD11 antigen-like family member B, CR-3 alpha chain, Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha, Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1, Neutrophil adherence receptor, CD18; CD49d; Cell surface glycoprotein MAC-1 subunit alpha; Complement Component Receptor 3 Alpha; CR3 Alpha Chain (CR3A); Integrin alpha-M; Integrin beta 2 alpha subunit; Leukocyte adhesion receptor MO1; Ly-40; MAC1A; Macrophage antigen alpha polypeptide; MO1A; Neutrophil adherence receptor alpha M subunit

Research Areas

Cardiovascular, Immunology, Neuroscience, AKT Signaling, Complement System, Cytokine Signaling, Dendritic Cell Marker, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation

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We hold Exclusive rights to 10,000 recombinant and hybridoma antibody products, available for Licensing or Collaboration.